Welcome to my cookbook! I have several recipes that folks have asked for, so I decided to post them here. Some are included in the ward cookbook, but many of them are things I found after that was published so I wanted a place to put them so my family had access to them. I'll add to this as I find things that I think need to be shared. If you have a recipe you'd like to add, let me know and I'll add you as a contributor.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cheese Bread from Jillee's mom

1 loaf french bread, sliced lengthwise
3 Tablespoons chopped green onions
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup finely chopped bell pepper
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
3/4 cup mayonnaise


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl, then spread out on sliced french bread. Place bread onto a foil lined baking sheet and cook at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. (Keep an eye on it after about 10 minutes). Allow to cool for a few minutes and slice.

And apparently once you buy green onions, you can re-grow them again and again, just submerge the ends (the root ends) in water, put in your windowsill, and new green onions will grow an inch in just a few days.  After a week or so you'll have a little crop you can snip and use again.  Gotta try this. Thank you, Pinterest!

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